Wednesday, February 23, 2005


No more little ads poking down from the chatterbox. No more wait for it to load. No more ugly buttons at the top, And no more chatterbox. I've been looking for a new chatterbox program lately, since it was being stupid. It started displaying things like, "Bush wants to make blogging illegal" and other nonsense. So, I canned it in favor of the much better ShoutMix. Its way cooler, ad free, fully customizable with css, and completely free! YAY.

However I keep wondering if I should add a field for you to add your website address if you'd like. To see an example of this you can go to Jonas' blog. So it's time to vote: do you like linking back to your site, or does it just get in the way?

Should I add a field to put your URL in on my new ShoutMix

Free polls from


Anonymous said...

It's a ShoutBox, not a ShoutMix...just so you know.

Unknown said...

right... chatterbox and the like are all ShoutBoxes. This new particular brand is called ShoutMix(look at the link at the bottom)