Thursday, February 03, 2005


Oh to sit next to the one to have her sit next to me. To have her sleeve brush against mine, I panic, I'm paralyzed, my heart beats faster, I begin to sweat, for a moment all is still, then ever so slowly the shoulders touch, not enough for anyone to notice. I freak out inside, what do I do?! I can't move. With all of my might I try to remain calm, I build up the strength to cross my legs. It goes successfully. Legs crosses I resume panic mode. Alas the time has come for her to leave. My breathing goes back to normal, but I long to do it all over again, sigh...

I'm I a freak? I hope not. For hope is all I have.


Anonymous said...

uh oh... sounds dangerous. *laugh* poor fellow... patience, patience. oh, and you're not a freak. "there is still hope."

btw- i scored as deb in the ND quiz. *smile* so silly.

Unknown said...

Deb ay? nice I can see that... a little bit.